Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Admission Essay for Counseling Psychology Program
My nation, Serbia, experienced a time of dread and wars, particularly during the NATO Bombing in 1999. This stamping occasion in our history showed me more than what my conventional training could. Before this debacle struck, I was a full-time understudy and the University of Pristina studying English Language and Literature. During the high of political changes, the circumstance in Kosovo was at that point tense.Minorities had steady incitements, and contempt had a firm engraving on the individuals. My life was vigorously affected, just as my training. I had encountered direct being â€Å"persona non grate†in the your youth community.I wished everybody could comprehend what this implied for us all, paying little heed to what our identity was and where we originated from. Being indicted and not reserving the privilege to make the most of our school days was a harsh memory, however something I live by as a wellspring of my quality. I encountered predispositions and partiality, yet I stand firm.I was dealt with seriously, yet my fantasies never obscured from my sight. I was genuinely influenced, yet I was progressively roused to seek after these fantasies, and become an advisor. Opportunity in this nation was underestimated, and our school life overlooked.The war made it fundamental for me to leave Pristina and Kosovo. Stunned and frightened, I returned to a home where flames, bombings and NATO planes ambushed my every day agenda. The shrieking alarms didn't support our circumstance. It appeared that we just trusted that the bomb will drop on our heads and challenge us from simple existence.During all the frenzy, I attempted to stifle my worry by being idealistic for my family and friends.â As a kid, I have been my family's â€Å"corrupter of words†, as I've generally considered myself to be one of Shakespeare’s fools. My mother consistently brought up my capacity to improve words and it's implications to make an individual â€Å"philosop hical†statement.I would regularly include humor when the our lives would appear to be dull, different occasions when we feel the frenzy creeping through our bones, and dread totally scratching our countenances. The bombings showed us this.As you watch the planes each day, you'd get the opportunity to understand that there are things you can do as not to be so focused. Since we were unable to forestall the numerous catastrophes in our lives, we can re-outline the dread and torment to something increasingly positive. The thought was to carry on with your life as typically as could be expected under the circumstances, by training yourself to be visually impaired of a portion of the negative occasions in our lives.It wasn't too awful during those alarming days. There were sure results also, as in get-togethers where the one of a kind diversion and soul in my way of life gave me a decent confidence and good faith to get by one days from now. In the event that I couldn’t tak e out worry by changing or overlooking the circumstance, the least I could do was offer social support.My significant enthusiasm for instructing English to individuals of various dialects didn’t vacillate because of the war. It permitted me to finish my instruction on schedule, and start my vocation as an English educator. In the homeroom, it is especially significant for me to comprehend the perspective of the understudy, and use diversion and genuine circumstances to get my focuses across.I built up my enthusiasm for investigating about language through my undergrad contemplates. My more noteworthy intrigue is on how sociocultural variables affect the mindfulness, structure, execution, and evaluation of a second language in a multicultural network, in contrast with those in socially homogeneous communities.ESL classes in Serbia were progressively British situated, both in etymology and culture. As a youthful educator, I have consistently been available to new instructing st rategies. I additionally attempted to include oddities into the educational program. My choice to go through a year in the United States was upheld by my craving to become familiar with the American culture.I accept this will expand my points of view on social decent variety and various frameworks of training. Moreover, this will increase my own and expert turn of events. I can say that life can be entirely erratic in light of the fact that my one year visit become an existence of experience and potential outcomes by considering psychology.You would know whether you are encountering life if the breeze pushes you every which way. My faculties were encircled with vulnerability as I included myself in an alternate culture. I knew how it felt to be a little fish in a major lake. Being a universal understudy from Eastern Europe didn't set me up for the many fascinating things another nation can offer me.The beginning information picked up from reading material, and the spots I've venture d out to see, were put to squander as I ventured onto obscure domain. I felt defenseless, and needed urgently to return home. I could have been with my family, a cup of cappuccino and the paper inside my grips. In any case, despite the fact that I encountered culture stun, I accept hands-on instruction is as yet the best teacher.Soon in the wake of showing up in another nation, I was gotten between my old qualities from my local culture, and the new estimations of the host culture. I was forced to adjust so as to endure. Changing in accordance with another culture, new framework, and new life, was not a simple errand. In any case, my capacity to adjust permitted me to confront any hindrance. My objectives were constantly set at whatever point I face any test. I never let my confidence falter.I love to feel tested in light of the fact that it makes me work twice as hard. I demonstrated this by getting my second college degree (BA in Liberal Arts/Psychology) and graduating with the mo st noteworthy honors.â I generally attempted to go after the stars.â But the contrary side of the coin is wistfulness. Something that is available when I am working, contemplating, eating, and in any event, when sleeping.Being a universal understudy among individual outsiders in the US caused me to acknowledge how much social help and understanding was important to challenge and accomplish scholastically in different nations. By considering the issues understudies have in the US, and by creating various methodologies and arrangements, I trust I can be an incredible advocate in a multicultural world. Just by its idea made me anxious to find out additional, and increment the collection of advising styles and aptitudes close by others.During my senior year of school, I directed a broad writing survey on â€Å"psychosocial change issues of global understudies and the requirement for social support†. I refined my exploration aptitudes in information examination utilizing SPSS, just as my capacity to introduce my discoveries in the way of an acknowledged proficient exploration paper.I appreciated leading the writing audit the most, moving toward it as a forager chase and considering the amount and nature of data found as my prize. This undertaking, alongside my other undergrad contemplates, set me up for the rigors of graduate examination and the boundaries of fruitful exploration. Proficient encounters, exploration, and college classes at Menlo College have additionally animated my enthusiasm for brain research and strengthened my conviction that I am appropriate to the field.Although these shifted research encounters have furnished me with crucial aptitudes, I despite everything feel the requirement for all the more preparing. By and large, school was one of the most animating periods throughout my life, and I discovered gigantic assurance to accomplish my objective of helping other people through the investigation of psychology.Looking from the imminen t of an understudy gave me more retrospection on my showing calling, which I love so much.â However, life is an interesting railroad with numerous stations.â Some of those stations I got off at were acceptable encounters and some terrible. However, over all, it has been an excursion that keeps on.Helping others arrive at their objectives, having an inspirational mentality, and committing both individual and expert development were the characteristics I held when I entered Menlo College.â They stay as a vital piece of my hard working attitude today.My worldwide understudy understanding, and many exploration ventures, have helped me accomplish a hypothetical establishment for the significant work of helping understudies prevail in school. We should have a comprehension and empathy for differing understudy populaces. I took in this from the long periods of instructing experience. Moreover, I am ready to exhibit my qualities and capacities to relate viably with people from all lev els and social backgrounds.These encounters have not just shown me important exercises understudy life, however have likewise strengthened my enthusiasm for seeking after my vocation in guiding brain science. Graduate school will empower me to create crucial exploration and guiding abilities, and the strong scholastic foundation that I should be a fruitful advisor and researcher.A ace's program in directing brain research won't just develop and refine my contribution in research, yet in addition outfit me to manage the difficulties of a MS program. The blend of MFT and my directing degree will empower me to satisfy my vocation goals and energy for helping understudies out of luck. Besides, I can set myself up in confronting the multifaceted nature of psychotherapy and eccentrics when managing intense subject matters of people and their families.I have all the characteristics should have been a decent advisor. Without a doubt, my dedication to my instruction will be the best resource of all. Having the option to effectively helpâ people later on will be my most prominent award for the exertion and venture I will place myself into
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Love and Pisces Woman
He is passionate and consistently permit himself to be enthusiastic. He can have a decent night rest and be feeling acceptable, and not exactly hardly any hours at work he can be surly. He doesn't get things or attempt to comprehend things without any problem. In the event that you notice him cautiously, you will see what sort of dispositions he is in. He is a scholar and ready to accomplish well grinding away and consistently succeed. His ordinary signals mean he generally take a gander at others flaws, however he won't talk about it. He can know your idea and ready to mention to you your thought process. He can generally retain all his outrage, his loves. They are his significant insider facts and he will remain quiet about them and will never tell you. He is anything but a very aspiration man and imprudent about his situation in the public eye. Riches doesn't drawn his consideration, since he isn't ravenous man and also he thinks cash isn't something that will last. He could be reckless about his future. He doesn't care to battle despite seemingly insurmountable opposition, however rather following the stream and make life simpler. Now and then since he gets a kick out of the chance to take a simple way, which cause him insecure future. He is caring and somewhat sluggish, however it is his charming character. He despises rules and guidelines. He will never look down on individuals. He is an amenable person and can be extremely forceful when he is frantic. He wants to feel that he lives in a wonderful world and encompass by pleasant individuals, so in the event that he discovers his reality is brutal and not what he expects, he will live in his reality. His other appeal is that he is an entertaining person, and it is his genuine weapon. He can prod you but then make it would seem that one of his joke. In any event, when he is dismal, he despite everything has that entertaining face, so you could barely tell in the event that he is frantic or discourage. He gets a kick out of the chance to conceal his inclination and help others particularly the individuals who need companion or desolate. He will be everything that you need and all that you don't need. He gets an opportunity to make it as much as an opportunity to come up short. He can decide to make it work and can do it well, aside from he tends to lost his vitality with other significant things, that’s how he miss a considerable lot of his great chance. He can be glad and substance without anyone else. What he believe is significant isn't â€Å"Love†,however firm status and dependability. He has a lot of adoration for you. He is a decent speaker, as much as he is a decent audience. At the point when he is with you, he needs to be cheerful. He comprehend his partner’s enthusiastic. He jumps at the chance to take a long rest and at times being separated from everyone else. On the off chance that he should be separated from everyone else, make an effort not to upset him. He is a touchy, calm , timid and effectively hurt. He needs to feel commendable. He can be frantic and uproarious, however once he quiet down, he will be that upbeat individual once more. He is anything but a desirous or possessive person, and on the off chance that he feels envious he will shroud it. He has numerous companions of both sex, and he care about his companions. He gets a kick out of the chance to have bunches of companions, so you can not get envious or, in all likelihood you will free him. He loves wonderful things, so if a pretty lady stroll by he will look ,so don't get frantic at him knowing this reality. At the point when he is desolate or feeling dismal, be near solace him. He doesn't care to take advice,so on the off chance that you need him to tune in or to follow your recommendation, you need to go about as a decent example for him first. He prefers a sprightly and a keen lady. In the event that you treat him like he is your unique individual, at that point he will be that exceptional individual for you. He will believe you on the off chance that he is infatuated, however make an effort not to over doing it and ruin him to an extreme. You need to know yourself worth all the time as well. PISCES WOMAN She gets a kick out of the chance to be in a fantasy world than to be in actuality. She is frail and touchy when it’s come to â€Å"Love†. She can cry if her closest companion is separating, and she can be over energized when her companion gets another beau who is an attractive and rich even it is nothing concerned her by any means. You may be shock to see that she is bashful in light of the fact that she is enamored. Pretty much it will be in Pisces lady. She adores little creature and skilled in preparing creatures. She has intuitions and she can think about what will occur straightaway, it’s her temperament. Indeed, even she has a decent intuitions, she can not pick or predicted her own decision of sweetheart. She can not tell on the off chance that she meet a genuine person or a single night rendezvous fellow. She gets a kick out of the chance to purchase and pick her own materials. She jumps at the chance to dress adorable and be charming. Pisces lady will in general be a gorgeous lady and she has a pleasant skin. Her hands and feet are little and delicate. Pisces lady wants to look for shoes as though she gathers them. She is a hot woman that everybody needs her. Regardless of whether she has a man in her life or not , she will never attempt to over controlled any man. It’s not even in her idea. She figures man can deal with things better, and she will cause her man to feel that way. She is a nice individual, so being with her is simple. She is a certain lady and likes to make individuals who remain with her glad. She realizes how to please and how to comfort a man. In the case of something isn't right, she will attempt to make others conviction that it’s must be a result of another person, not due to her affection one. She won't push her man to be desire yet to cause him to feel like he ought to be content with the manner in which he is currently. She is content with you for what you are presently. A Pisces lady , on the off chance that she has an awful adolescence, she will consistently recollect it and it will make her a miserable individual. She will feel sorry for herself and feel frustrated about herself. She will in general hurt herself with out knowing it thus powerless against drugs (genuine medications or simply resting pills). She has numerous options and you can never advise which way she going to take. In the event that you love her ,, at that point hold her tight on the grounds that she never knows why she did what she did or what she will do straightaway. An intricate character. You may think she is a timid guiltless sort and can not hurt anybody, at that point you are incorrect. You may think she is a delicate individual who needs assurance, wrong once more. She has experienced a great deal, an intense treat. She is a visionary and love the word â€Å"Love†, so she is the sort who will purchase present for anybody for any event, particularly on the off chance that it is a present for wedding or a commemoration in any event, for somebody who she doesn't know so well. Be cautious if begin to look all starry eyed at Pisces lady. She can be an all out various individual prior and then afterward. She can be a point previously and later a witch, yet everybody isn't great, correct? She will be delicate and delicate more often than not, so not to stress. She is passionate and very delicate when she often got injured. She is the sort who can sob hysterically. She can have a mystery dread inside, when she says she needn't bother with anybody. She seriously needs somebody to secure her, however at times she can shroud that feeling by being obstinate. She gets a kick out of the chance to conceal her timidity and her shortcoming from her foe. She doesn't care to adhere to any fixed guidelines. She can be a decent housewife on the off chance that you realize how to deal with her. Numerous men will request to wed her since she is a 100% lady. In the event that she needs to be sweet, she is a genuine edges.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Otogami In Madrid we met David Bonilla, who is the CEO and founder of Otogami and Runnics the google for video games and shoes.In this interview you will learn about Davids background, the business model of Otogami, the affiliate marketing, and why you should share your knowledge with other entrepreneurs.Interviewer: Hi. Today we’re in Madrid with Otogami. David, who are you and what do you do?David: Apparently we are a price comparison engine, but we are much more than this, we are a Google for everything. Right now we’re focusing on video games, but in the future we’ll see. We’re exploring more segements.Interviewer: What did you do before you started this company?David: I worked as developer for many many years, I’m very very old. But just before Otogami I worked for Atlassian an Australian company, right now it’s based in San Francisco, working on projects like JIRA and Confluence, a whole platform for developers.Interviewer: Okay, great. Can you please briefly explain the b usiness model of Otogami?David: We have model one that the main business model is affiliate marketing. We search for the best offers in video games and we give all this information to the users. If they finally buy the items we get commissions. But on the other hand we also have another business model with data. Data is the best product with the best margin, and we have a lot of knowhow about how the prices are changing from time to time. So we are starting to explore this business model.Interviewer: When you have this kind of data, to what type of customers would you like to provide it and in what way or what type of applications?David: For example, we can tell one shop if they have the best price in their local market, Germany, Spain, in Europe, or in the whole world, because we are searching for a lot of offers in a lot of ecommerce sites. The other thing is that we can compare their prices with their competence, so we say you are very cheap or not, or this shop is doing this kin d of thing or this kind of pricing strategy, because we can see how one shop is changing the price in reaction to, for example, another offer. And the last thing is that we can predict if prices are going to change.Interviewer: And regarding the other business model, the affiliate model, how do you manage this kind of customer acquisition affiliate revenue spread. Because on the one hand you have to acquire these customers through differnt channels, social, etc., and on the other hand you’re earning some kind of affiliate revenue in some other ways, etc., how do you manage this kind of spread between the cost of getting the users to buy something and having the revenue?David: The point is that we can’t focus on how we can monetize each transaction, because the price of video games, for example, is very low and the commission is also very low, so if you try to invest and get their money back just with the first transcation it’s not going to work. So what we try to do is to get a lot of users to create relationships, not transactions, and getting some kind of revenue or profit from time to time with the biggest value of these users.Interviewer: How important is branding over performance marketing for your business model?David: It’s super-important, because in the video games market recurrence is very very high, you can make two or three video games each month. So our strategy is to be the top of mind of this kind of things for the users if our target is to be there, when they need to buy one video game they must think, Okay I must go to Otogami to find the best price or the best offer.Interviewer: Great. Can you please describe what a video game is?David: For the user, the point is that the video games market is so big that you can find very different video games from castle games to series games or to blockbusters, like Call to Duty. So it’s very difficult to define what is one video game, but what I can tell you is that the market is changing, and th e prices are getting lower and lower and lower.Interviewer: And this is because of piracy, or is it because of competitive factors?David: It’s because of competitors. You can get very good games just in your browser, and free to play games are very very good, so right now it makes no sense to sell one video game for €60, right now it’s crazy.Interviewer: Let’s talk briefly about the corporate strategy of Otogami. What do you perceive the two or three major drivers that you want to work on for the next two or three years in order to become the leader in your own market segment?David: Just regarding video games, I think the best thing to do is that we want to be the single catalogue. You have a lot of search engines, but we want to be the place where you can find digital downloads, physical games, platforms like PlayStation or Xbox or whatever, even mobile games. Right now if you try to find all these games you don’t have any single site where you can search for all these ga mes. Because we’re focusing just on video games, our data model allows us to convert all the versions of one video game to all the platforms and all the editions. I want to know the best price of Fifa ’14, I can tell you the cheaper version is for your iPhone, and it this kind of edition, and you can buy it here. I think that we are the only website that can do that, and this is our first goal right now.Interviewer: Other fun stuff would be to create a recommendation engine based on the big data that you have, based on the purchases or user behavior.David: We have something like this right now. We even have one algorithm for recommendation looking at the prices, because we know historically when the prices are going to change â€" for example for one blockbuster game usually the prices drop down after two months of the launch date â€" we can recommend you when is the best moment to buy one video game. So first we assume that you know which kind of video games you want to know abo ut, so we’re going to recommend you when you can buy these video games, what is the best moment to buy your video games.Interviewer: Market development, as you said you are mostly or mainly in the affiliate marketing segment, how do you perceive has this market developed over the last years and will develop, and what are some issues and challenges in this market?David: Everybody thinks that definitely the market is a nightmare, and it’s true. It’s very difficult to make real business or serious business there because everything is very hard. For example attribution, a lot of people go from our website to another shop, and I think that we lost a lot of sales just because they didn’t have cookies activated or JavaScript or whatever. The third thing is that it incredible because it’s a very big market, but it’s very difficult to find serious apps, serious partners, serious technologies, for example, is great but a lot of shops are using crappy affiliation platforms and it†™s very difficult to work with them.Interviewer: How do you perceive the future development? Will these affiliate platforms become better in quality or what kind of deals can they offer for publishers?David: I hope so. I think that there is a huge opportunity in the affiliate marketing sector. If one can create a very good tool for ecommerce they’re going to go out of money, because the point is that you can see guys like us but they’re not in very small shops, and if one new company can focus on this kind of long-tail market, they’re going to get a lot of money because I can help a lot of shops that want to do affiliate marketing but they have no idea how to do that.Interviewer: Zanox is not a player who is interested in them?David: Right now I think that they’re focusing on big players, not a long-tail.Interviewer: David, we always try to share some insights and learning with our readers, and you have a very interesting learning about knowledge sharing and how can you impr ove your business with it, can you tell us about that?David: The whole team came from the open source community, we really believe in this kind of sharing knowledge. My advice is that a lot of people are worried about people stealing ideas or knowhow, I think that ideas don’t work for nothing and you can get much more profit if you share your knowledge with other people. For example, we share our google analytics account with other companies and we just ask them to share with us their accounts just to learn how they acquire traffic, how they acquire customers, how they measure their traffic. And it’s working. Nobody did nothing against us just to do that, and our investors are pretty happy with these steps because we’re learning a lot. So my advice is don’t be afraid about sharing your knowhow with other people.Interviewer: Thank you very much David.David: You’re welcome.
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