Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay on A Rose for Emily , Livivng in the Past - 865 Words
Emily Rose living in the past within isolated realities The theme of a rose for emily How is Emily stuck in the past ! In â€Å"A Rose for Emily, by William Faulkner, the main character Emily Grierson is stuck living in the past within the isolated reality that she’s been forced into and that she herself created. Throughout the story, a major theme, (meaning what the story is about) is Emily’s resistance to change which leads to isolation. This Faulkner classic shows us how Emily became isolated because of her families, community and tradition. Emily’s father considered themselves superior than others in town. . He believed none of the young boys were suitable for Emily, and always chased them away. Her†¦show more content†¦Her unwillingness to change after the civil war was one of the reasons she was so isolated. The narrator tells us twice that Miss Emily is similar to an idol, probably because she was raised to think she was above others, and others were raised to look up to her as well. She was stuck with the mindset that she was better than others, even when the community was changing she believed that she didn’t have to obey the law. She also kept to herself and no one knew anything about her. According to Faulkner, the quote â€Å"†¦A note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin flowing calligraphy in faded ink†¦Ã¢â‚¬ shows me in a symbolic way, that Emily is stuck in time. The story of Emily is old and dated itself. The author uses the words archaic, calligraphy, and faded. It took me back in time while reading these words, which is exactly what Emily is. Tradition controls the actions of both the town and Emily herself. â€Å"A Rose for Emily†captures the importance tradition holds for her Southern community. The Civil War was an issue of lifestyle. Southerners hung to the lifestyle they had, with the slaves. Tradition was the reason Emily didn’t pay her taxes. Her father was aristocracy and paid no taxes , therefore , Emily refused. When the slavery era passed, the South fell, the lifestyle was torn apart and the economy changed. Old-time families, like Emilie’s, lost their position with their
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Destructive Nature of Industrialization Depicted in...
In Herman Melville’s short stories, â€Å"The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids,†he juxtaposes the lives of social classes to illustrate the destructive nature of industrialization. Melville demonstrates the separation of classes by his usage of allusions and metaphors. Segregation is a main concern of Melville’s and, the contrast amid the two stories is a representation of the disparity between classes present at that time. While it may seem that the bachelors live the ideal life with all of their luxuries, the bachelors’ hedonistic lifestyle is unsatisfied with their lack of creation. If they are not contributing to society then they must be taking away from society. We learn that their lives are only regurgitations of†¦show more content†¦In reality, the motivation for acquiring control was greed. Melville alludes to the templars of the crusades to exemplify the self righteous characteristics of the upper class. â€Å"The thing called pain, the bugbear styled trouble -- those two legends seemed preposterous to their bachelor imaginations†(Melville 673). The bachelors live in a world above pain. Without pain one cannot relate to others and, as a result the bachelors cannot understand their unfortunate counterparts, the maids. Since the bachelors are not able to relate to anyone other than themselves, they are incapable of partaking in any significant relationships. As a result t he bachelors throw their extravagantly superficial parties in which they tell impersonal stories and gorge on fine food. Melville sarcastically states their care for one another when the narrator says, â€Å"The nine bachelors seemed to have the most tender concern for each others health. All the time, in flowing wine, they most earnestly expressed their sincerest wishes for the entire well-being and lasting hygiene of the gentlemen on the right and on the left†(Melville 672). Melville is saying that the class that rules society lives an unfulfilling life. The business owners do not care or respect their own people enough to take their needs into consideration. The upper class cannot be content because they have not treated the working class justly. In the story, there is a recurrent idea of pain and subjugation. The narrator begins
Monday, December 9, 2019
Critical Literature Review on Ethical Marketing Research
Question: Topics such as online consumer behaviour, engagement with social media and responses to smartphone advertising have become areas of profound interest to the marketing academic and practitioner alike. technologies have also brought new challenges to doing research in an ethical manner. Questions of privacy and confidentiality, reliability of data collected and distribution of results have become problematic in the digital world where people can perceive they are hiding their identity but actually leave traces of their activities and intentions, and where the rallying cry of the internet [sic] in the 1990s information wants to be free has no fee or ownership.write a literature review (comparing and contrasting different authors views on the subject) that addresses the research ethics that should be employed, and why it is so important; pay particular attention to the Cookie Law of 2011 and the subject of informed consent). Answer: With the advent of new technology and areas of marketing technique, the research on ethical practices surrounding these new developments have become more and more relevant. New and advanced areas in research have emerged in the form of online customer behaviour, consumer engagement using social media as well as advertising through smart phone, which has attracted interest from marketing researchers and practitioner. By virtue of nature of certain processes in these marketing, the research on these aspects often experience different ethical dilemma. Due to these challenges many professionals involve in marketing study do not follow ethical principles to fuller extent and various tactics in misuse of data often surface. Hence it has been considered in research at large that there is need to review various issue in ethical perceptions mainly in marketing practice and research (Aggarwal et al., 2012). As it is well known that post 1990s the challenges for marketing researchers in maintaining ethical integrity have increased enormously lot of care is being taken in many quarter including the practitioners. The job involved in marketing research ethics have greatly some under greater magnitude of scrutiny from consumer bodies and governmental authorities due to a number of practices. Most of such practice emerges from new and advanced technology and sophisticated tools and techniques in marketing research. Mainly the area of concern centres round the relationship between the researcher and the general public and areas of gathering new corporate intelligence. An opinion based article by Clark (2014) tries to unearth the phenomenon of pooling of experience by market researchers and practitioners in the process of overcoming ethics related objections towards some standard level practices in market research mainly in the new digital world culture. In addition the digital technology leads to further challenges in research following ethical approach. The concepts such as privacy and confidentiality at one hand and reliability over the information and their distribution in other have taken more challenging shape. The article has found the contrasting behaviour of people in terms of perception of people to keep the identity confidential vis-a-vis arguing the freedom of information sharing without any cost or ownership as such. New challenges from legal and regulatory authorities are also equally discussed mainly n the line of Cookie Laws during 2011 that warrants need for explicit consent of data users for storing and retrieving the data. These behaviours are seen as producing confusion in ethical aspects in marketing research mainly by the actual meaning of consent, its role in regulating advertisers and protecting users at the same time keeping the latest technology intact and in place. In case of researchers involved in topics of marketing ethics at academic level, further pressure accrue from Ethical Review boards mainly institutional ones, at the time of funding, publications and disseminations (Clark, 2014). The new areas such as digital marketing research, online marketing are increasingly coming under strict scrutiny about issues for coping with conflicts of norms followed by research institutions. Practices such as incentivization to conduct survey and data collection by market researchers and practitioners are another ethical dilemmas that the review boards face online and digital marketing issues. Often the boards claim these practice violate the principles associated of anonymity of participant and their information. These practices are expected to be implemented by academics as well as practitioners following highest standard of ethics in terms of providing incentives in online data collection methods such as surveys. Since the incentivization may be coun ter-productive nature thereby posing more challenges the market researchers, practitioners and academics should take enough precaution without compromising with efficacy of their works (Clark, 2014). Many market researchers have taken a lead in comparison to other research disciplines with a lot of emphasis on ethical aspects (Bernardi et al.2008). Many academics from marketing topics have examined issues on research ethics in several points of view (Hunt and Vitell, 1986) some of which focussed on alterative models in explaining ethical aspects in disentangling the decision-making process of marketing professionals in varying contexts (Murphy and Laczniak 1992). Some studies even have devised a host of issues in marketing ethics which were tested empirically and illustrated conceptually (Hair and Clark 2007).In the backdrop of dramatic change in the processes involved in market research due to use of technology and failure in the part of prior research to systematically analyse the ethical lapses in marketing research and practice, Aggarwal et al. (2012) evaluate the public level perceptions on unethical practices in marketing research. The article tests the perceptual changes a cross time among various practices in research practices. The judgments from marketing professional about ethicality of new marketing research situations both offline and online circumstances. The article also examines the public level judgments on unethical practices in marketing research and found there is a growth in disapproval of such practice among marketing researchers as well as managers, mainly in online environment rather than offline environment. While the frequency of unethical practice is reported higher among practitioners, the tolerance to such practice is lower among the market researchers. Aggarwal et al. (2012) in their study apprehends that such kind of unethical pressures may be occurring with less frequency in most organisation who maintain stronger code of ethics and the employees of such firms being aware of these codes. While many other studies suggest that practitioners believe a code of ethics may have limited effect in contexts where the competitions become intense (Ibrahim et al. 2009), the study by Aggarwal et al. (2012) foresee that the code would continue to exert an positive effect on employees behaviour. The study finds a consensus among people that breaches in ethical code occur infrequently but there continues to have a disapproval of such breach of conductAnother area mostly used in marketing practice and of utmost ethical importance is the informed consent of users and use of cookies my agencies for some sort of research process. The criteria of procuring the consent in online marketing practice and research pose the real ethical challenge in term o f questioning the informed aspect. Millett e al. (2001) in their study examined the process through which the cookie based technology and the web based browser design responds to the concerns related to the informed consent. The study in particular, documents design changes in navigators like Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and some others in five year long study from 1995 following a retrospective approach. It found that across subsequent time periods, the cookies were used in terms of invading substantively users privacy, without knowledge of the later (Millett e al. 2001). This is also used in tracking online activity of users across the web sites and frequency of visits into those web sites. These activities and such other concerns have already garnered much attention across countries. The major and continued problem is categorized in terms of involving the informed consent which users have neither been adequately informed on what cookies would do and the use of personal i nformation, nor given adequate choice for declining participation in his process of consent. Hence it is important to understand the process of supporting informed consent through the cookies and web browsers too (Millett e al. 2001). The study by Millett e al. (2001) examined five criteria such as disclosure, voluntariness, comprehension, agreement and competence to assess the performance of cookies, in supporting the informed consent in online marketing practice. The observations of this study dwelt upon the retrospective level analysis and found that even if cookie based technology improved across time in terms of informed consent, still major problems remained existent at large. Of these challenges some may be remedied easily following certain practice in the line of ethical marketing principles such as redesign of Web browsers that allows the users to delete easily the cookies as per convenience or define the date of expiration of cookie. Some other option could be setting of browser preference on Explorer being redesigned for inclusion of comprehensibly and well labelled option for declining all cookies which then be returned to the web sites of the third party. Some remedies may be found to have some diffic ulty in implementation due to changes in levels and browsers. In order to foster usability of and informed consent from the users it may be served when default condition is declined for all cookies. Alternatively, some of the better available options may not be possible enough to be implemented if there is any delay in identifying the actual problems and designing the action to be taken thereof.Besides the ethical issues that that has surfaced in marketing research and practice with the advent of new technology and approaches, stakeholders relationship too has been challenging. A critical review by Murphy and Laczniak. (1992 b) examines closely the role of general public in the form of relevant stakeholder within the space of marketing research since they form the main option of dissemination. Many of the market research outputs are disseminated to public by different medium such as advertising for a host of reasons. The inaccuracy in use of outputs from marketing research may creat e wrong impressions about the results in the public. Any deviation in practice followed in marketing research which may deceive the attention of public can undermine purpose of the enterprise as a whole. The study finds a host of unethical research practice and the repercussion in general public as well as policy makers mainly in 3 points. They are incorrect and incomplete reporting, misleading reporting, and non-objective type of research. The article also find out possible alternative ideas for ethical action in overcoming these challenges altogether. The inaccurate, complete and incorrect findings from the market research and practice when disseminated among the general public can impair research activities which would have been legitimate in nature by spoiling the willingness of public in participating in market survey based research. In addition to these problems, the response rate, statistical level of reliability, quality of response from them and many such outputs can be aff ected adversely. Even the inaccurate findings from market research may pose other serious problems like distorting perception of policy makers over public opinion and issues related to business. Incorrect feedback may even result into misinterpretation of consumer sentiments by policy makers thereby making the research procedure invalid. Misreporting of information resulted from unethical market research can also play as confounding factor for the ability of public in distinguishing valid research findings from invalid market research results. In turn the result of even valid market research results may mix with inconsistent as well as contradictory finding leave the public into a state of indifferentness, confusion and distrustful when they read and interact with research results of the survey based research. At the end, the findings may lead to widespread distorted awareness. Murphy and Laczniak. (1992 b) apprehends that incomplete reporting may occur in a condition in which market practitioners or researchers knowingly or inadvertently leave relevant piece of information from the analyse and a report followed by circulation the same among the general public. This is prevalent among some firms who are involved with undertaking market research and then publicizing in trade press the results out of such research. Commonly omissions occur in facts and figures which the firm itself chooses to unearth the markets components and the areas they are involved in strong distribution and reputation. Hence, the findings of the market research would probably be looking like skewed in certain favourable direction thereby giving wrong reflection about the firms issues. The positive kinds of developments often temper various such practices thereby leading to lower quality and incomplete form of reporting. Instances from recent most practice by major research publication house like Wall Street Journal publishing the poll based information in specific inserts providing full details about the sample drawing procedures and steps in reaching the study respondents in their market research. While some uses may find this information to be not very useful by them, this may provide those people a base and interest to know the basis used for judging and identifying limitations and scientific level validity of the results. Moreover guidelines form expert institutions for public Use of research results out of market research are available to general public giving the details on design, origin and execution of research. Even the study (Murphy and Laczniak, 1992 b) provides detailed repercussion of misleading reporting from market research and ethical underlining on general public, researchers and firms altogether. This misleading reporting practice presents research findings in a way in which the conclusion drawn by intended audience may become unjustified. In n on-objective reporting type of unethical marketing research practice the general public sometime may not be in a position for judging whether the piece of marketing research has been conducted in an objective manner. For this they may continue to rely on the aggregate percentage and read merely the main points of an advertisement without studying the procedure or methodology the research has followed in bringing out the results. Major problem emerge in case of use of the leading type of questions used in the survey research which may promote the finding to public only. Based on a detailed analysis of various stakeholders, their response to the research results, quality and quality of reporting from research results, the article by Murphy and Laczniak (1992 b) provides a host of ideas which can be used by market researchers interested in raising the ethical bar of the profession of market research and practice. Most of these ideas pose to intend as stimulating the thinking process and possible action on implement to the best possible level the ethical policies inside the firms and industries in general. Certain specific option like establishment of ground rules followed by familiarising these rule as ethical standards of market research d practice for people and organisations that the market researchers would deal in day to day life and future. Market researchers treating the clients, respondents, competitors and public at large should follow ethical principle both at legal as well as competitive basis. The professionalization of existing market research could be another option for ethical practice. While market researchers and practitioner should have many more obligations towards clients, respondents and the public, the clients likewise too would owe the market researchers some sense of fairness so as to produce better, durable and ethical results.Based on the understanding of ethical challenges and its effect on market research, several areas can be taken seriously. The experience of practitioners in these areas can be of use to academics too fro proper education and sensitisation. They can be useful in identifying the potential challenges in ethical aspects as well as and developing appropriate options.The discussion on ethical aspects in marketing research suggests some interventions such as resolution of such issues b y use of well defined guidelines which should be and non-negotiable in nature and these should be disseminated widely across organizations and institutions so as to combat unethical conducts. The stakeholders aspects are important equally for ethical reasons. References Aggarwal, Praveen; Vaidyanathan, Rajiv and Castleberry, Stephen (2012). Managerial and Public Attitudes Toward Ethics in Marketing Research, Journal of Business Ethics, 109:463481. Bernardi, R. A., Melton, M. R., Roberts, S. D. and Bean, D. F. (2008). Fostering ethics research: An analysis of the accounting, finance and marketing disciplines. Journal of Business Ethics, 82: 157170. Clark, L. (2014). Opinion Piece - Ethical marketing research in the digital age - How can academics and practitioners work together? Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Practice, 15(4), 258-261. doi: 10.1057/dddmp.2013.54. Brian (1988), Corporate Spies Snoop to Conquer, Fortune, 1: 68-76. Flax, Steven (1984). How to Snoop on Your Competitors, Fortune, 6: 29. Greenbaum, Thomas L. (1988), The Ethics of Focus Group Research, The Practical Handbook and Guide to Focus Group Research. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 143-9. Hair, N. and Clark, M. (2007). The ethical dilemmas and challenges of ethnographic research in electronic communities. International Journal of Market Research, 49: 781800. Hunt, S. D. and Vitell, S. (1986). A general theory of marketing ethics. Journal of Macro marketing, 6: 5-16. Ibrahim, N., Angelidis, J. and Tomic, I. M. (2009). Managers attitudes toward codes of ethics: Are there gender differences? Journal of Business Ethics, 90: 343353. Millett, Lynette I.; Friedman, Batya and Felten, Edward (2001). Cookies and Web Browser Design: Toward Realizing Informed Consent Online, CHI, 3 (1): 46. Maher, Philip (1984), Coiporate Espionage: When Market Research Goes Too Far. Business Marketing, 3: 54-64. Meltow, Craig (1989). The Best Source of Competitive Intelligence. Sales Marketing Management, 5:24-29. Murphy, P. E., and Laczniak, G. R. (1992 a). Traditional ethical issues facing marketing researchers. Marketing Research, 4(1): 8 -21. Murphy, P. E., and Laczniak, G. R. (1992 b). Emerging ethical issues facing marketing researchers. Marketing Research: 4(2): 6 -11. Neal, William D. (1989), "The Profession of Marketing Research: A Strategic Assessment and a Prescription for Improvement," Marketing Research. 1 (September).
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Impact of 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing Essay Example
The Impact of 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing Paper As time goes on, the nursing profession is becoming more and more popular. The number of new graduates becoming licensed year-to-year evidences this. In addition to becoming more popular, nursing practice has changed enormously over the past 20 years. In order to stay current with the continuously evolving healthcare system, nurses have to evolve as well. The 2010 IOM report offers its recommendations to maximize the quality, availability, and accessibility through improving nursing education, providing opportunities for leadership positions, and ensuring nurses practice to the full extent of their education (National Research Council, 2011). The IOM was able to achieve change in part due to funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) (American Nurses Association, 2014, para.1). This paper will focus on the impact of the IOM report on nursing education, nursing practice, and leadership roles for nurses. Nursing Education The 2010 IOM report focused on improving the education system to accommodate the healthcare system dealing with an older and more diverse population than before (Institution of Medicine (IOM) 2011, para.4). In addition, healthcare is focused more on chronic conditions than acute illnesses (IOM, 2011, para.4). Due to this, the IOM report recommended the education system become adaptive enough to change as the needs of patients’ change (IOM, 2011, para.6). Because of these recommendations, states nationwide have already implemented change in their programs. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In Minnesota, a completely new education program was developed to increase student accessibility to a baccalaureate program, which allows students to obtain a higher level of education easily (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2013). In addition, Medicare has agree to pay to support the training of nurses with the launch of their $200 million demonstration project that takes place in five hospital systems (RWJF, 2013). Furthermore, hospitals have introduced mandatory training programs and optional seminars to further nurse education post licensure. Only three years have passed since the IOM report and the amount of improvements made in nursing education has only continued to increase. Nursing Practice According to the National Research Council, the healthcare system must be transformed prior to providing personalized and unique care to each patient (National Research Council, 2013). In order for this to be effective, outdated policies, regulations, and cultural barriers will need to be removed (National Research Council, 2013). The effect the IOM Report has on primary care is its possible merger with health promotion (IOM, 2012). Because primary care and health promotion are such different entities, a complete merger would be ineffective. Rather, cooperation between the two was deemed more effective (IOM, 2012). This way primary care and health promotion can remain separate entities still. In order to meet the goals of the IOM report, I would encourage my practice to expand the diversity of the staff. The more diverse a practice is, the fewer the cultural barriers we need to overcome. In addition, I would stress the importance of individualized care given to each patient. To accomplish this, I would put a stronger emphasis on the individualized care plans for each patient. Nursing practice must evolve as our population and society in general evolves to ensure the most updated, individualized, and relevant care possible. Nursing Leadership Roles The 2010 IOM Report recommended nurses to pursue leadership roles in their healthcare setting. In addition, the report also recommends nurses to be full partners with the physicians and other members of the healthcare team to effectively increase the quality of care given to the patients (National Research Council, 2013). Because nurses are such strong advocates for patients, it would truly benefit the patient to have nurses participating in leadership roles. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, embedding leadership development into the nursing curriculum will have a positive effect on the amount of nurses fulfilling leadership roles in their healthcare setting (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, n.d). As a nurse, I have seen plenty of new graduates over the years. As time goes on, it is evident how better prepared and more motivated the new graduates are from the previous graduates for these leadership roles. Conclusion Based on the 2010 IOM Report, our nation is more than capable of accomplishing a complete reformation of our healthcare that will maximize the availability, accessibility, and quality of care given to patients. Nurses, especially, have the opportunity to play the most vital role in the reformation process. Changes in nursing education, nursing practice, and the increase in nurse leadership roles are only a few of the ways change can occur.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Strickness Essay Example
Strickness Essay Example Strickness Essay Strickness Essay Strickness Strictness Can?t be out past eleven, can?t wear what you want to wear, can?t do your hair how you want, and can?t spend your money how you want. Welcome too only some of the rules that my overly strict parents have placed on me. What have I done to deserve this Nothing. This is a problem that most teens and children face: overly strict parents. Even though my parents are overly strict, I know they are doing this for my own good. My parents have always been strict on my other siblings and me. As we got older it only got worse. When I was about 8-14 the war between my parents and me was not as bad. My brother and I had no problem being in by nine-o-clock (that was our curfew until we were in high school), mainly because our transportation was our parents, and they would pick us up from wherever we were. Our curfew wasn?t really ever a big deal with my brother and me. What caused the biggest fights was that we wanted to go to different places with our friends that our parents did not approve of. Our mom and dad would not let us go parents, home, mom, go, wanted, out, until, strict, raised, house, friends, brother, started, much, friend, didn?t, day, very, school, said, rules, party, one, older, new, everyone, ever, else, dad, bus, because, back, wear, way, walked, trouble
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Form Question Tags in English
How to Form Question Tags in English Basic questions in English are formed using the auxiliary verb followed by the subject which comes before the main verb. Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb Do you live in Poland?How long has she worked at that company? Sometimes we dont really want to ask a question but just want to check information. For example, if you are sure that a friend lives in Seattle but want to check to make sure, you might use a question tag. Tom lives in Seattle, doesnt he? In this case, it isnt necessary to ask a question because you already know the information. Using a question tag helps you confirm that the information you know is correct. Question tags can also change meaning based on how you pronounce the tag at the end of the sentence. If you raise your voice on the question tag you are asking if the information you just stated is indeed correct. Using question tags in this manner helps to make sure that you are doing something correctly, or understand a situation accurately. Here are some examples: A mom buying some jeans for her daughter: You wear size 2, dont you?A friend writing a birthday card to a friend: Peter was born on March 2, wasnt he?A job interviewer checking information on a resume: You havent worked at this company before, have you? At other times, you drop the voice at the question tag. When dropping the voice at the question tag, you indicate that you are confirming information. Here are some examples: Young man filling out a form speaking to his wife: We live on Cherry St, dont we?Friend looking at a calendar with a meeting noted: Were meeting later this afternoon, arent we?Friend speaking to her friend as they walk in the rain: The sun wont shine today, will it? Forming question tags is very easy. Remember that the question tag uses the auxiliary verb in the opposite form of the sentence itself. In other words, if the sentence is positive, the question tag takes the negative form of the auxiliary verb. If the sentence is negative, the question tag employs the positive form. Heres a quick review of principle tenses, the auxiliary form they take, and an example of a positive and a negative question tag for each tense: EXAMPLE 1. Tense: Past Continuous Auxiliary Verb: Was / Were (to be) Positive Sentence Question Tag Example: Andy was working when you arrived, wasnt he? Negative Sentence Question Tag Example: They werent waiting for you, were they? EXAMPLE 2. Tense: Present Perfect Auxiliary Verb: Have / Has (to have) Positive Sentence Question Tag Example: Harry has lived in New York for a long time, hasnt he? Negative Sentence Question Tag Example: We havent visited our friends in Chicago this year, have we? EXAMPLE 3. Tense: Past Perfect Auxiliary Verb: Had (to have) Positive Sentence Question Tag Example: They had finished before he arrived, hadnt they? Negative Sentence Question Tag Example: Jason hadnt already finished before you provided the update, had he? EXAMPLE 4. Tense: Future with Will Auxiliary Verb: Will Positive Sentence Question Tag Example: Tom will think about it, wont he? Negative Sentence Question Tag Example: They wont be able to come to the party, will they? EXAMPLE 5. Tense: Future with Going to Auxiliary Verb: Is / Are / Am (to be) Positive Sentence Question Tag Example: Tom is going to study Russian, isnt he? Negative Sentence Question Tag Example: They arent going to be at the meeting, are they?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Business FINAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
International Business FINAL - Essay Example The trend of distributing the production networks all over the world offers a firm the advantages like competitive edge and cost cutting. Competitive edge is achieved when the firm’s produced products are sold all over the world bringing in a good amount of profit. Cost cutting takes place when the firm’s production system takes into consideration and exploits all the cheap factors of production that are available in different parts of the world at cheaper price. 2. Globalization has created lots of changes throughout the world. The changes introduced both positive and negative impacts on the countries. It is believed that the developed countries reap the maximum benefit out of the process of globalization. The developed nations shift their production units to the places where the cost of production will be cheaper. The cheaper production cost helps the nation to generate more profit from the sale of their produced products. This is helping the economy of certain develo ped nations to prosper and grow. However on the other hand the underdeveloped nations and the developing nations are constantly losing their resources which are being purchased by the wealthy nations for the purpose of manufacturing products and services which in turn are again being sold in the developing or underdeveloped nations. Thus it has become a topic of debate that addresses the issue whether globalization is a blessing or a curse. The positive side of globalization is that it enhances the job opportunities and economy across the world. But the negative side denotes that since the developed nations are shifting their plants to the overseas nations due to the availability of cheap resources, the labor there are getting under paid in comparison to the labors of the developed nations. Therefore despite the creation of job opportunities, globalization also creates disparity in the amount of wages received by the workers of the developed and developing nations. 3. Religion is on e of the important elements of culture. Religion determines whether a person is Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc that implies which God does the person believes in and which rituals related to their religion does they follow. Globalization has created the integration of all the religions and this has affected the business operations to a great extent. For example the case of McDonalds can be taken into account in this respect. McDonalds prepare different kind of fast foods that contain both vegetarian and non vegetarian items. The non vegetarian foods contain chicken, egg, fish, beef, lamb, pork etc. However McDonalds have eliminated beef and pork from its wide range of menu while entering the Indian market, since the Indian market included people from both Hindu and Muslim religions and beef and pork are restricted for these two religions respectively. Moreover religion affects the language, dressing style, values and morals of a person. Thus the business operations get highly i nfluenced by these factors as these are the elements that form the basis of a human being. 4. The term culture includes the behavior, beliefs, arts, languages, institutions, etc. of an individual. Culture decides how a person should behave at a social
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Keflavik paper company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Keflavik paper company - Case Study Example phasize only on one or two criteria; instead, it should take holistic viewpoint to achieve overall synergy with the available resources and ability to create new capabilities while embarking on a new project. (Seeber 2011) Organizations do best on their core competencies and identifying the core competencies is an essential task. Core competencies could be in new process innovations or marketing expertise to have an edge on competitors. Mere cash flow analysis or favorable NPV cannot make the project a grand success. Aims at finding the benefit derived versus the cost of the project and the risk involved. The risk involved should not be such that it can put the company into negative territory from where it cannot recover. Financial analysis is a part of this evaluation criterion. While selecting any project, it is important to delve into exploring the future market growth prospects. It is like exploring the threats and opportunities with a project in consideration in the given market place. A niche with high market growth prospects is always preferred over lower growth areas. (Seeber 2011) Poor project screening methods have a direct bearing on firms capacity to manage its project effectively. A firm is deployed with finite resources on finance, and manpower. When they are not put to use judiciously to achieve synergy among its operations, it is certain to affect the project immensely. Positive cash flows are worked out on paper and it takes considerable skill to achieve those in reality. Selection of a project is thus, a strategic decision for an organization and that should be done screening through several criteria. Project prioritization is a necessity and has been a new learning for the decision makers in the case of Keflavik. Selecting a most favorable project in the beginning that passes through all laid down criteria reduces the firefighting work later on considerably. (Seeber
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History about the war Essay Example for Free
History about the war Essay It is very true that the United States overthrew Guatemala, Chile and Iran. There are some motivations behind the overthrows. One of the motivations behind the overthrows is nationalism. This is because United Nations just like all other nations opposes nationalism. Other main motivations behind the United States overthrow to these countries include the urge to impose its ideology, gaining control of some of the valuable resources and the increase of its power. The United States also carries out coups, invasions and revolutions so that it can topple it feared or mistrusted. It also uses a variety of methods in persuading g other countries into assisting them with the coups revolutions and invasions. The methods used include the offering of booties to states that support its interests, time-honored strategies of diplomacy and retaliation threats to those countries that refuse to support them. In Chile United States launched its coup with the aim of propagating the spirit of good humanitarian ground. This is because Pinochet was highly involved in human rights violations because his security forces were perceived to be accountable for more than 3,197 murders of the Chilean citizens. 1,100 of the murdered citizens â€Å"disappeared†for they were abused to their death, thrown by the military from the helicopters into Pacific Ocean or buried into secret graves. The other reason as to why united states carried out the coup was to ensure that it prevented its consolidation and also limited the governments ability to implement some of the policies which were contrary to itself (U. S) and also hemispheric interests. U. S also committed some coups with the aim of fostering its accessibility to some of the economically rich regions. For instance in 1953 Dulles ordered a coup on Iran which was intended to make Middle East very safe for American oil companies. United sates committed a coup in Guatemala because it disliked the communist policies which were set by Arbenz. He was perceived to be a communist because h e sought to give the landless some land or in other words he advocated for equal land distribution by giving peasants the idle lands which belonged to the upper class. Dulles had ordered the coup in Guatemala because he had disliked the way the nationalist government had confronted the power of the United Fruit Company which was represented by his old law firm (Npr. org, 01). United States of America was involved in what was called â€Å"people’s war†against fascism. All the American were in agreement with capitalists, democrats, republicans, communists, rich, poor and the middle class and this is why the war was referred to as the people’s war. This war was the trendiest in United States that the country had ever fought. This is because around 18 million people participated in the war. And over 25 million workers contributed financially to the war. The power of the nation, church, press and also chief radical organizations called for all-out war. The war was in opposition to an enemy of appalling evil. for instance Hitlers Germany was widening totalitarianism, , militarism and overt aggressive, and racism warfare outside what an already contemptuous world had gone through yet, the governments(the United States, England, the Soviet Union) accomplishing this represented something considerably different, so that their success would be a bluster to imperialism, totalitarianism, racism, militarism, in the world. America stepped up as the defender of vulnerable countries matching its image in American history textbooks for high school. For instance it opposed Haitian revolution for independence from France at the beginning of 19C. America just pursued its imperialist interests in the name of assisting the helpless countries for it instigated conflicts with Mexico taking half of the country. It also pretended to rescue Cuba from Spain at the same time it stagnated there with military base, rights of interventions and investments. It also grabbed Hawaii Guam and Puerto Rico it also took the con troll of panama by revolutionizing against Columbia. The main reason as to why US entered the WW II was to defend the principle referred to as the non-intervention of other country’s or states affairs but many questions arose about its credibility. United States was one of the victors in WW II thus coming into a position to dominate many areas in the world and also creating conditions for efficient and effective control at home. The war brought about higher prices for all farmers, enough prosperity, higher wages, higher prosperity unlike thirties which was accompanied by a lot of unemployment and economic distress. The war was pressing people at home because the budget was mainly to the advantage of military operations abroad without considering the needs of people at home. For example people were affected by the test of the nuclear weapons but the leaders argued that it was not harmful (libcom. org/history 1). The presence of the country in permanent war kind of economy proved to be very big pockets for poverty. The distribution of health also remained unequal with the highest family getting 45 % of all the income and the lowest family getting 5% there was unequal distribution of wealth, tax advantages and income. Many American citizens were afraid of communism and this was oppressing those who believed in it. Many people were against the war. This is because they felt that the war was only seeking to dominate other countries. They said that it was commercial, ruthless and imperialistic. Socialist parties opposed the war arguing that it was a crime against the people of United States many opponent claim that the war was a human violence because it was a murderous kind of business. Again the opponents argued that a lot of nation’s money is not well utilized when it is used in wars for there are many ways of cheap mediations which do not involve conflicts. Opponents felt that the war is inhuman to both countries because some of the devices used are harmful to innocent citizens (Zinn 355). Bernay’s ideas on social control can be used to think about Friedman’s book secret histories because they both assume that propaganda can be a very effective tool for manipulating and shaping public opinion in the current society. Friedman has quoted how America used propaganda into fostering war against other countries. For example it lied that it was going to assist helpless countries only for the American to star dominating investing in those countries. Edwards’s propaganda disagrees with skeptics who argue about low levels of illiteracy. He says that printed word played a very crucial role during the early reformation. This is because it enabled Luther in broadcasting his attack towards the traditional authorities with greater rapidity and also made it possible to co-ordinate some of the activities of scattered followers. The printed medium embodied the subversive messages it conveyed. Numerous duplicates of cheap agitatory pamphlets reinforced the message of lay involvement much to the disadvantage and distress of catholic publicist. Edward uses the character of early Lutheran teachings to stress the difference between the limited vernacular literatures to lay readers before 1512 and what is currently known to the historian familiar with lathers works. Luther’s views were highly publicized by catholic rebuttals. In the hidden sides of Vietnam War Friedman is trying to identify some of the truth. Friedman argues that during the Vietnam War the United States was only seeking to undermine Hanoi’s subversion of the Saigon regime by sending Vietnamese operatives behind the enemy’s line. The secret to most of the Americans was that this covert operation was far from secret in Hanoi because all the commandos were either killed or captured and thereafter turned into communists to report false information. Using Bernay’s propaganda we can say that the U. S propaganda did its job incorrectly. This is because the educated section of the population accepted the government Vietnam War propaganda without questions. The United States was the one attacking southern Vietnam but it claimed that it was not the one because most of the American population was against those attacks. Book Review. The book â€Å"voices of a people’s history of united states†by Howard Zinn talks about gives the history of the fight for human dignity. He highlights some of the most significance political acts which were perceived to be the sound of the real human voice. This book assist me in understanding the modern American history for it highlights the idea that the minimization of resistance can only be achieved through the propagation of the idea that power remains with people who have guns, who posses wealth, own newspapers and also those who own television stations. The book assists me in understanding the reason as to why there are movements to fight the lack of voice brought about by lack of power.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Take What You Get :: Personal Narrative Baseball Friendships Papers
Take What You Get I hated both my last day of school in Hopkinton and my first day of school in Sherborn. My mother drove me to my new school in our brand new white Volvo station wagon. The ride from our house to the school seemed much shorter than it actually was. Looking back on it, anytime I’ve unwillingly traveled somewhere, the car ride seemed extremely short. I remember the station wagon climbing the long, winding hill that led to Pine Hill Elementary school. As I watched the trees and fields pass, I imagined that the car hadn’t gone by them. In my mind, I was still back in my new trundle bed at home. My mom knew I was on the verge of tears, and she was constantly moving her hand back and forth between the car’s stick shift and my knee. "All the kids are going to love you," she said, patting my leg. "Mrs. Smith is so excited to have you in her class." I couldn’t even muster a response. I pictured Mrs. Smith forcing me to stand up in front of the class, asking me to tell the kids my name and what I liked to do. Then I saw the kids laughing when I broke down in tears, unable to give them an answer, or merely mumble a few words about myself. I couldn’t even respond to my own mother. "Honey, it’s ok to be nervous. Remember that I’ll pick you at 3:15. You don’t have to take the bus this afternoon." She parked the car and held my hand as we walked up the steps to the school’s entrance. I was wearing blue shorts, a bad choice because they were too short and revealed my pale, chubby legs. The walk with the principal and my mother down the long, empty corridors was what finally did it for me. I had been trying my hardest to hold back the tears, forcing myself to think of the end of the day, when my mother would be waiting for me. But the classroom was getting too close. I could sense it by the way the principal slowed his pace and drifted to the right side of the corridor. I felt the tears under my eyes, but I didn’t care enough to wipe them away with my arm. "Welcome to Pine Hill," Mrs. Smith said.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Muscular Dystrophy
This paper intends to define Muscular Dystrophy, enumerate some of the most common kinds, state its characteristics or symptoms, indicate the tests, treatment as well as its prognosis before finally reintroducing its complications and prevention. Muscular Dystrophy Defined â€Å"Muscular Dystrophy†is actually composed of thirty plus genetic diseases (National.., 2007). Otherwise known as â€Å"inherited myopathy†, â€Å"Muscular Dystrophy†includes the following inherited sickness or medical conditions: 1) Becker’s muscular dystrophy; 2) Duchenne muscular dystrophy; 3) Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy; 4) Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy; 5) Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy; 6) Myotonic Dystrophy; and 7) Myotonia Congenita (Kantor, 2006). Furthermore, Muscular Dystrophy’s characteristics include the following: 1) feeling weak; 2) losing control of skeletal muscles; as well as 3) affecting all ages (National.., 2007). Kinds of Muscular Dystrophy The kinds of Muscular Dystrophy are the following: 1) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy This kind occurs in approximately three out of three thousand five hundred boys (The.., 2007). It happens when the genes are unable to produce dystrophin which is responsible for the strength of the muscles (The.., 2007). This kind emerges at the age of 5 and by 12, the patient is expected to use a wheelchair (The.., 2007). First, their pelvic muscles are affected, and following that, his or her shoulders, back, arms, as well as, legs will be the next (The.., 2007). With this kind of Muscular Dystrophy, a person will only live for approximately twenty years (The.., 2007). 2) Becker Muscular Dystrophy This kind happens in one in every 30,000 boys and just like the first kins, it is also due to the absence of dystrophin (The.., 2007). However, it is milder than the first and that patients suffering from it may live without a wheelchair (The.., 2007). 3) Myotonic Dystrophy This is caused by a gene that should not be as large as it is (The.., 2007). It occurs before a person turns twenty years old (The.., 2007). Its major symptoms include the following: weakening & shrinking of the muscles (The.., 2007). 4) Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy This kind emerges in both genders (Limb.., 2006). The muscles in the back, pelvis, as well as, shoulders are usually affected in this kind (Limb.., 2006). 5) Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy With this kind, weakening of the muscles begin in the face, then the shoulder and back comes next, and finally the muscles located in the legs and pelvis may lose strength (Muscular.., 2006). Symptoms For Muscular Dystrophy, the symptoms are the following: First of all is weakness of the muscles which actually gets worse gradually (Kantor, 2006). This is very much noticeable especially if the patient suffering from it experiences recurrent and numerous falls (Kantor, 2006). In addition to that, the patient may be confronted with interrupted development of what is technically referred to as muscular motor skills (Kantor, 2006). Moreover, if the patient is already delayed in walking or if he or she experiences problems with walking then it is highly possible that he or she suffers from Muscular Dystrophy (Kantor, 2006). Furthermore, if the patient finds it difficult to utilize even just one of the muscle groups, then it is time to ask the doctor to check on the patient to confirm occurrence and emergence of Muscular Dystrophy (Kantor, 2006). Also, the patient who has Muscular Dystrophy will experience drooping of the eyelid (Kantor, 2006). Last but not least, the patient suffering from Muscular Dystrophy will exhibit drooling as well (Kantor, 2006). Secondly, there are types of Muscular Dystrophy wherein a patient may signify mental retardation (Kantor, 2006). Thirdly, Muscular Dystrophy patients also suffer from low muscle tone or that which is technically referred to as â€Å"hypotonia†(Kantor, 2006). Fourthly, a patient who is diagnosed to have Muscular Dystrophy exhibits joint contractures like clubfoot, clawhand, etc (Kantor, 2006). Last but not least, someone who has Muscular Dystrophy may also have a spine that’s curved which means that he or she also has scoliosis (Kantor, 2006). Tests For Muscular Dystrophy to be diagnosed as a medical condition suffered from by the patient, there are several tests that could be carried out and some of these are the following: First in the list is to have a physical examination including a look at the patient’s medical history (Kantor, 2006). The second one is to undergo muscle biopsy (Kantor, 2006). This will already confirm if the patient indeed suffers from Muscular Dystrophy (Kantor, 2006). The third is to perform what is technically referred to as Serum CPK (Kantor, 2006). The fourth is for the patient to be checked and tested through electromyography or EMG, for short (Kantor, 2006). Last but not least is for the patient to go through ECG or electrocardiography (Kantor, 2006). Other tests that the patient could go through to confirm Muscular Dystrophy include the following: 1) Aldolase; 2) AST; 3) Creatinine; 4) LDH; and 5) Myoglobin (Kantor, 2006). Treatment Unfortunately, experts have yet to discover ways on how to address this particular medical condition (Kantor, 2006). However, they presented techniques on how to manage the symptoms exhibited by the patients diagnosed to have Muscular Dystrophy (Kantor, 2006). Some of these are the following: First of all, physical therapy may be carried out to help sustain the strength of the muscles, as well as, in keeping the muscles functional (Kantor, 2006). Second is the utilization of braces and wheelchair (Kantor, 2006). This enables the patient to do some of the things on his or her own, for instance, moving around etc (Kantor, 2006). Third is for the patient to undergo spine or leg surgery (Kantor, 2006). This action may keep, if not improve the functions of the aforementioned parts of the body (Kantor, 2006). Fourth, some doctors prescribe corticosteroids to children so as to keep them walking (Kantor, 2006). Fifth, medical experts advice that patients suffering from Muscular Dystrophy should avoid complete inactivity since this will make the condition much worse (Kantor, 2006). They should try to move or be active as much as possible (Kantor, 2006). Prognosis Muscular Dystrophies worsen as time goes by  and this goes for all kinds (Kantor, 2006). However, how severe it is dwells on the kind of Muscular Dystrophy suffered from by the patient (Kantor, 2006). How fast it occurs also depends upon its kind and on the person suffering from it (Kantor, 2006). There are also some kinds of Muscular Dystrophy which have been proven as fatal (Kantor, 2006). Complications Muscular Dystrophy also has some complications and these are: 1) cardiomyopathy; decreased ability to take care of oneself; decreased mobility; failure of the respiratory system; joint contractures; mental disability; as well as, scoliosis (Kantor, 2006). Prevention Medical experts say that in cases where a family member from the previous generations had â€Å"Muscular Dystrophy†, the members from the current generation should seek for what is technically referred to as â€Å"genetic counseling†(Kantor, 2006). References Kantor, D. (2006). Muscular Dystrophy. Retrieved May 6, 2007 from Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. (2006). Retrieved May 6, 2007 from Muscular Dystrophy Association. (2006). Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy. Retrieved May 6, 2007 from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2007). Muscular Dystrophy. Retrieved May 6, 2007 from The Nemours Foundation. (2007). Muscular Dystrophy. Retrieved May 6, 2007 from Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Baba and Mr. Big
Summary Chapter 1 Jim Anderson and his parents Harold and Mrs. Anderson recently moved to Kendal from Savanna La Mar where his father worked as a mechanic. It was during the Christmas vacation that he met three boys in this new Village: Mule, Mongoose and Milo who were spinning tops for fun. The boys laughed at Jim’s feet because unlike them, Jim wore shoes. While Jim was telling the boys of his hobbies like helping the mechanics (such as his father), going swimming and helping the fishermen row in their canoes, the boy who appeared to be the leader, Milo, was getting jealous. A while after Jim had introduced himself to the boys he asked to join their secret club and was tricked into giving them all 15 of his marbles without being allowed to join the club. The boys who though that it was impossible, gave Jim a test to catch a hawk alive in order to join the club. Summary Chapter 2 On his way home, Jim thought of his task of catching the hawk. While walking, he stumbled upon Baba, an old man who spoke with much colloquial language, liked smoking tobacco and lived in a very small, sparsely furnished house. He explained his task of catching the hawk to Baba and Baba later told him of a plan to catch the hawk whom he called Mr. Big. According to Baba’s plan, Jim found a calabash gourd with soft, tender flesh. He found some feathers around the yard and stuck them in the gourd which he shaped to look like a chicken. When the hawk swooped down to pick it up he would get stuck and the hawk would be caught. Later that night Jim had a dream that he was flying behind the hawk towards the mountains but the bird flew through a hole and Jim was shut out. Did this mean that the bird would escape his trap? Summary Chapter 3 On the fifth day after setting the trap Jim went to town and was jeered by the boys that he wouldn’t catch the bird. On the sixth day the hawk came and was caught in Jim’s trap. Jim was afraid to get the hawk from the gourd now and take him back to his cage. In a small space of time, some of the villagers who wanted the hawk dead came marching up and asked Baba if they had seen the hawk but they replied no. When Jim and Baba began examining the bird they realized that it had broken one of its legs; so they nursed the ird and made a bamboo cage for him and Jim decided to keep the hawk for himself until he got better. Summary Chapter 9 Christmas vacation came to an end so Jim had to return to school. As a result, Baba had to take care of Mr. Big while Jim was in school. Baba took Mr. Big to â€Å"the bush†where Mr. Big responded happily to his environment. Although his leg was not fully healed, M r. Big moved from branch to branch and eventually was flying on the chord. Baba realized Mr. Big trusted him and that they now had a friendship. This made Baba content.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Courses Recommended for Medical School Applicants
Courses Recommended for Medical School Applicants Perhaps it goes without saying that getting into medical school is challenging. With about 90,000 applicants each year and an acceptance rate of 44%, you cannot afford to slack on any entry requirements. It becomes even more challenging gaining admission to medical school when you are applying to the top 100 schools in the U.S., whose acceptance rate is a mere 6.9 percent in 2015. One very simple prerequisite for entry to med school is completing all the required courses necessary to apply. These courses are nonnegotiable because they are required by the Association of American Medical Schools (AAMC), the organization that accredits medical schools. Make sure you have all of the following courses completed (or in the process of being completed) when you apply to medical school. Required Courses Since the medical field is heavy in sciences that concern the body and its environment, one would be right to assume a full year (two semesters) of biology and physics are needed to meet the AAMC prerequisites for applicants. Some schools may also require a semester of genetics and to ensure the applicant receives a well-rounded education and has the skills necessary to communicate well, a full year of English is also required. Additionally, the AAMC requires applicants to complete one year each of organic and inorganic chemistry. These specific fields of study improve applicants understanding of the fundamentals of science as it relates to the medical field, be it for the chemicals needed in aesthetic treatment or for the chemical components of living matter. Although thats all of the required courses specific to applying to medical schools, you also have to abide by your colleges curriculum guidelines in order to earn your degree. Be sure to consult your counselor about which courses are required for your degree and how best to integrate the required courses into your schedule. Recommended Courses You should also discuss courses that your counselor recommends that will give you a competitive advantage in your admission to medical school. Although these courses are not required, they could greatly help simplify your graduate-level studies. Taking Calculus- which many schools do require- could, for instance, lend to simplifying later chemistry equations youll need to use to pass advanced classes. Many of the recommended courses also help prepare the potential med school student for being a doctor. Molecular biology, neuroscience, and upper-level psychology are often recommended to help the hopeful doctorate better understand more advanced lessons detailing the body and the brain. Statistics or epidemiology and ethics will help the doctor to understand the variety of patients and potential outcomes he or she may face in his or her career. These recommended courses illustrate the basic educational themes that med schools look for in applicants: the capacity and interest for understanding science, logical thinking, good communication skills, and high ethical standards.  You don’t need to be a premed major to complete these courses and meet the prerequisites for medical school, but make no mistake that a premed major certainly helps.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
B-52 Stratofortress - Strategic Air Command
B-52 Stratofortress - Strategic Air Command On November 23, 1945, only weeks after the end of World War II, the US Air Material Command issued performance specifications for a new long-range, nuclear bomber. Calling for a cruising speed of 300 mph and a combat radius of 5,000 miles, AMC invited bids the following February from Martin, Boeing, and Consolidated. Developing the Model 462, a straight-wing bomber powered by six turboprops, Boeing was able to win the competition despite the fact that the aircrafts range fell short of the specifications. Moving forward, Boeing was issued a contract on June 28, 1946, to build a mock-up of the new XB-52 bomber. Over the next year, Boeing was forced to change the design several times as the US Air Force first showed concern over the XB-52s size and then increased the required cruising speed. By June 1947, the USAF realized that when complete the new aircraft would nearly be obsolete. While the project was put on hold, Boeing continued to refine their latest design. That September, the Heavy Bombardment Committee issued new performance requirements demanding 500 mph and an 8,000-mile range, both of which were far beyond Boeings latest design. Lobbying hard, the president of Boeing, William McPherson Allen, was able to prevent their contract from being terminated. Coming to an accord with the USAF, Boeing was instructed to begin exploring recent technological advances with an eye to incorporating them into the XB-52 program. Moving forward, Boeing presented a new design in April 1948, but was told the next month that the new aircraft should incorporate jet engines. After swapping out turboprops for jets on their Model 464-40, Boeing was ordered to design a completely new aircraft utilizing the Pratt Whitney J57 turbojet on October 21, 1948. A week later, Boeing engineers first tested the design that would become the basis for the final aircraft. Possessing 35-degree swept wings, the new XB-52 design was powered by eight engines placed in four pods under the wings. During testing, concerns arose regarding the fuel consumption of the engines, however the commander of the Strategic Air Command, General Curtis LeMay insisted the program move forward. Two prototypes were built and the first flew on April 15, 1952, with famed test pilot Alvin Tex Johnston at the controls. Pleased with the result, the USAF placed an order for 282 aircraft. B-52 Stratofortress - Operational History Entering operational service in 1955, the B-52B Stratofortress replaced the Convair B-36 Peacemaker. During its initial years of service, several minor issues arose with the aircraft and the J57 engines experienced reliability problems. A year later, the B-52 dropped its first hydrogen bomb during testing at Bikini Atoll. On January 16–18, 1957, the USAF demonstrated the bombers reach by having three B-52s fly non-stop around the world. As additional aircraft were built, numerous changes and modifications were made. In 1963, the Strategic Air Command fielded a force of 650 B-52s. With the US entry into the Vietnam War, the B-52 saw its first combat missions as part of Operations Rolling Thunder (March 1965) and Arc Light (June 1965). Later that year, several B-52Ds underwent Big Belly modifications to facilitate the aircrafts use in carpet bombing. Flying from bases in Guam, Okinawa, and Thailand, B-52s were able to unleash devastating firepower on their targets. It was not until November 22, 1972, that the first B-52 was lost to enemy fire when an aircraft was downed by a surface-to-air missile. The B-52s most notable role in Vietnam was during Operation Linebacker II in December 1972, when waves of bombers struck targets across North Vietnam. During the war, 18 B-52s were lost to enemy fire and 13 to operational causes. While many B-52s saw action over Vietnam, the aircraft continued to fulfill its nuclear deterrence role. B-52s routinely flew airborne alert missions to provide a rapid first strike or retaliation capability in case of war with the Soviet Union. These missions ended in 1966, following the collision of a B-52 and a KC-135 over Spain. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel, Egypt, and Syria, B-52 squadrons were placed on a war footing in an effort to prevent the Soviet Union from becoming involved in the conflict. By the early 1970s, many of the early variants of the B-52 began to be retired. With the B-52 aging, the USAF sought to replace the aircraft with the B-1B Lancer, however strategic concerns and cost issues prevented this from occurring. As a result, B-52Gs and B-52Hs remained a part of the Strategic Air Commands nuclear standby force until 1991. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the B-52G was removed from service and the aircraft destroyed as part of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. With the launch of the coalition air campaign during the 1991 Gulf War, the B-52H returned to combat service. Flying from bases in the United States, Britain, Spain, and Diego Garcia, B-52s conducted both close air support and strategic bombing missions, as well as served as a launch platform for cruise missiles. Carpet bombing strikes by B-52s proved particularly effective and the aircraft was responsible for 40% of the munitions dropped on Iraqi forces during the war. In 2001, the B-52 again returned to the Middle East in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Due to the aircrafts long loiter time, it proved highly effective in providing needed close air support to the troops on the ground. It has fulfilled a similar role over Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. As of April 2008, the USAFs B-52 fleet consisted of 94 B-52Hs which operate from Minot (North Dakota) and Barksdale (Louisiana) Air Force Bases. An economical aircraft, the USAF intends to retain the B-52 through 2040 and has investigated several options for updating and enhancing the bomber, including replacing its eight engines with four Rolls-Royce RB211 534E-4 engines. General Specifications of the B-52H Length: 159 ft. 4 in.Wingspan: 185 ft.Height: 40 ft. 8 in.Wing Area: 4,000 sq. ft.Empty Weight: 185,000 lbs.Loaded Weight: 265,000 lbs.Crew: 5 (pilot, copilot, radar navigator (bombardier), navigator, and electronic warfare officer) Performance Power Plant: 8 Ãâ€" Pratt Whitney TF33-P-3/103 turbofansCombat Radius: 4,480 milesMax Speed: 650 mphCeiling: 50,000 ft. Armament Guns: 1 Ãâ€" 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannon (remote controlled tail turret)Bombs/Missiles: 60,000 lbs. of bombs, missiles, mines in numerous configurations Selected Sources US Air Force: B-52 StratofortressFAS: B-52 StratofortressGlobal Security: B-52 Stratofortress
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Financial Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Financial Crisis - Research Paper Example Researchers point to missteps by the government, starting from a loose-fitting economic policy and a deviation from the historical principles for putting interest rates in place (Taylor, 2008). Some experts believe that such a financial meltdown was bound to happen as a result of the unpreventable problems brought about by capitalism (Foster & Magdoff, 2009). Still, others blame the financial crisis to a domino effect caused by financial mismanagements in other parts of the world (Obstfield & Rogoff, 2009). At any rate, there is a general agreement that the financial crisis was caused and even prolonged by lapses in the economic policies set forth by the government (Taylor, 2008; Foster & Magdoff, 2009). History serves a lesson that was not well-learned from the time of the Great Depression. John Maynard Keynes, one of the foremost economic minds of history, argued that underemployment was inevitable in a capitalist economy as it results from a savings-and-investment mentality of market players (Foster & Magdoff, 2009). Despite these earlier warnings, the US government still championed the capitalist environment, employing free market at most levels of the economy. Unfortunately, such a scenario led to misdiagnosis of bank credit markets which consequently led to an inappropriate liquidity-focused rather than risk-focused response (Taylor, 2008). Moreover, the government further made a series of wrong decisions by raising real estate values, tightening credit qualifications and inequitable support to financial institutions (Obstfield & Rogoff, 2009). Undoubtedly, the financial crisis of the 2000’s affected not only the US but worldwide economies as well as it continued a chain reaction which started off around the 1980’s (Foster & Magdoff, 2009). The disastrous effect was felt in the whole country as businesses started to close and mass layoffs occurred. People were driven out of their homes and found it extremely
Friday, November 1, 2019
Multinational Enterprise (U.S.A) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Multinational Enterprise (U.S.A) - Essay Example With a total area of 9,831, 513 square kilometers (Census bureau, 311), the United States is the third largest country in the world after Canada and the Russian Federation. The large stretch across the North American continent makes the country experience different kinds of climate and thus different types of vegetation. The region is thus a home to various species of plants and animals. This is a contribution towards being the country with the largest economy in the world. According to Population Reference Bureau (para.1), the US â€Å"is the third most populous country in the world after China and India†(See Appendix 2). The 2010 population census showed a figure of about 308 million and the population is currently estimated to be about 311 million (Population Reference Bureau, para.1; US Census Bureau, para.1). The population consists of individuals from diverse culture due to the slave trade that brought individuals from across the world into the country in the middle of the second millennium. There are Americans of African, Asian, Spanish, Mexican, or French origins that came into the country either as the conquerors or as slaves that were brought in to promote the agrarian and industrial revolution that was already taking place in the region. The presence of different cultures in the United States also led to different languages being spoken in the country. English is the most popular language in the country (Schmidt, 1). There are other languages like French, German, Spanish, and many others spoken in the country (See Appendix 1). For some period after the Second World War, a Cold War was experienced between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. USA was and remains to be a capitalist state whereas USSR was a communist state. The two federal states were fighting for allies from different countries and the power to monopolize the economy of the world. Each of the countries had expertise in the development of war weapons and was a threat to each other’s power to rule the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union in early 1990s led to the emergence of the United States as the worlds’ super power. Introduction A multinational enterprise (MNE) or Multinational Corporation (MNC) is an organization that operates or conducts business across two or more countries. The company produces its products and services and delivers the products/services to different countries. The organization usually has its central place of operations (the head quarter) located in one country called the home country and operates in other countries referred to as host nations. As globalization increases with an increase in competition in the local and global markets, most large organizations strive to establish themselves in other countries that perhaps may have better market opportunities, availability of materials for the production of the products or cheap labor that reduces the cost of production. The increased deregul ation and liberalization of local markets across the globe has attracted foreign investors into other countries in search of new market opportunities, raw materials that are readily available and cheap labor in these regions. In many cases, the developed nations are the source countries for most of the foreign direct investment as they have well established
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment5 economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assignment5 economics - Essay Example The third step is to cut back the business hours. The business ethics component of this move is that if one is in the business of pharmaceuticals and health care, one risks the chance of causing damage to patients who will need your services by cutting back on the business hours. The fourth step is to close one's business for a week or two to actually take a vacation. The business ethics aspect of this decision is that if one has a pharmaceutical or health care business, one risks the possibility of causing inconvenience to one's clients. The fifth step is to bring in a family member to split the current "job load. The ethical consideration of this move is that one has to ensure that his/her relatives or siblings must do business observing fairness, honesty, transparency and accountability to government laws. Zambia is landlocked and has a low population composed of 70 ethnic groups, many of them Bantu-speaking. The country boasts of spectacular scenery spanning the Victoria Falls along the Zambezi river, the Bangweulu Swamps and the Luangwa river valley. Millions of Zambians live below the World Bank poverty threshold of $1 a day. Zambia currently receives and provides shelter for tens of thousands of refugees who have fled fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (World Factbook 2008). The World Bank Poverty Assessment Report (2007) has identified these areas of economic concern afflicting Zambia consisting of the high level of international debt, deterioration in the international price of copper, macro instability, the collapse of major manufacturing industries, the scourge of HIVIAIDS, and acute governance and policy failures.Zambia has been one of most heavily indebted developing countries. However, the government has done serious efforts to pare down its international debt st ock. Zambia obtained a total of 6.6 billion dollars of debt relief in 2005. (Scotland Aid Agency, 2008). If the Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio is 133%, this means that Zambia is paying millions on debt interest only. This is money that could be used to fund social programs or provide employment programs. Therefore, the unemployment rate is also adversely affected because the government doesn't have sufficient funds to begin or maintain such social programs. The unemployment and underemployment levels are very high. This means that many head of the families are out of work. Many families are hungry and in deep need of aid in social services such as health and education.The country has to contend with an expensive disease which has no long term cure. The high rate of HIV/AIDs incidence also means that the country will need international assistance from the World Health Organization to combat this scourge. In 20013, HIVIAIDS prevalence was estimated at 18 percent for women and 13 percent for men, and Zambia was entering its third decade of double-digit HIVIAIDS prevalence. The country does not have the financial resources to finance health services and medicines to combat HIV/AIDS. The low growth of the GDP is the result of weak government policies, poor business environment, lower foreign and local investments resulting in fewer businesses and fewer jobs available in the market. The literacy rate of Zambia is relatively low (65%)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Coca Cola Entering Chinas Market Marketing Essay
Coca Cola Entering Chinas Market Marketing Essay One way to analyze Chinas culture is to look at their Hofstede score. Hofstede is the name of a system that rates countries on a scale across five different work related values: power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long vs. short term orientation. Knowing these scored before operating in a country is very important. The power distance index describes the distance between those who are less powerful in the company, like middle and lower-management, and those who are very powerful, like the bosses and officers. The higher scores mean that it is very disrespectful to go to your boss and offer up your opinion about something, and you are suppose to just take what your boss gives you. A low power distance index means that everyone is close to a similar level, and you are allowed to and actually encouraged to offer up your opinion to your bosses. China has a high power distance index, with a rating of 80, being that the worl d average is 55. The individualistic vs. collectivistic index rates how integrated members of a company are. Individualistic countries value getting the job done yourself, and celebrates individual accomplishments. Collectivistic countries value team effort, and do not seek for individual results, and sometimes it can be very embarrassing to be singled out. In china, they have an individualistic vs. collectivistic index rating of 20, compared to the world average of 43. Masculinity, opposed to femininity, defines roles that each gender takes in an organization. Masculine countries show high levels of competitiveness and assertiveness, while feminine counties show low levels of those just described and high levels of modesty and care. A high score in the masculinity index means that the country is masculine, while lose scores mean the country is feminine. China has a masculinity rating of 50, while the world average is 50, which means China is indifferent between being masculine or feminine. Uncertainty avoidance index defines how much risk the population in general takes. Countries with a high index will take lots of risks, while a country with a low index will take little to no risks. High index countries are very comfortable with venturing to the unknown, while low score countries prefer to stay put where they are. China has a score of 60 in uncertainty avoidance, while the world average is 64. The last index is the long-term orientation. This defines how far into the future the country looks at decisions it has to make now. Countries with a high long-term orientation look to maintain steady flow in the long-run, while short-term countries looks for results now without thinking about the future. China has a score of 118, while the world average is 45. The official language of China is Chinese, though many business people speak English as well. The government is Communist run, and most people are atheist, with many different types of atheist-religions being practiced. As of May 2010, the population of China was estimated to be around 1.3 billion, which is about 20% of the worlds population. A couple notes about the behavior that are important to know when dealing with a Chinese business person is to never have personal contact, never point while speaking, point with a open palm, not with the index finger, do not put your hand in your mouth, always be on time, and do not discuss business at meals. Decision making is slow in China, and rushing them is considered very disrespectful. The culture of China is drastically different from the culture of the U.S., the home country of Coca-Cola. The Hofstede ratings for the U.S. are 91 for individualism, 62 for masculinity, 29 for long-term orientation, 40 for power-distance, and 46 for uncertainty avoidance. This means that China is more long-term oriented, has a higher power distance, and avoids uncertainty more, while the United States is more individualistic and masculine. Now that we understand Chinese culture, we can analyze Coca-Cola and their international business structure there. Marketing Plan/Strategy: Target Market: Coke can be enjoyed by anyone. Coca-Cola does not explicitly target a specific market overall, but they do have advertising campaigns that do talk to a specific group. Coca-Cola has to know the differences between the types of markets in China in order to send the right message to its intended group. One segment Coca-Cola looks at is urban and rural communities. Even though there are more potential customers in rural areas, there are more potential customers in urban areas. The economic diversity of the two groups makes it possible to separate them. The disposable income per capita in urban areas is three times more than in rural areas. There is also a difference in the province you live in. The different geographical regions of China have a difference in sales for Coke. Of the four largest cities in China, there are only 4 percent of Chinas population there, but accounted for 15 percent of sales, while all the other smaller cities and provinces had 80 percent of the population and h ad 50 percent of the sales. Age is also a segment that Coca-Cola builds on. Coca-Cola was introduced in the 1970s, and people who were born after its introduction grew up drinking Coke in their meals. Coca-Cola realized this and made all those born from their introduction on, which means everyone about 40 years are younger are a target market for Coca-Cola to advertise Coke to. 4 Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, Place) The product is called Coca-Cola, but Coke is used for short instead of saying the whole thing. It is a carbonated beverage. It was originally a patent medicine sold in a pharmacy, but along the lines it made its way to sell in a variety of places to become the number one sold drink in the world. The ingredients of Coke are carbonated water, sugar, caffeine, phosphoric acid v. caramel, and natural flavorings. The pricing of Coke is relative to other competitors in the market. The biggest competitor for Coca-Cola is Pepsi, and Coca-Cola takes account of what Pepsi prices their soft drink. Coca-Cola has an advantage though because they have a product that everyone sees as being a consistent and dependable one, so Coke is allowed to be priced 15 to 20 cents more without losing any sales to Pepsi. Promotion of Coke is very specific to the area being targeted. Coke implements pattern advertising, which keeps the video the same for countries targeted, but changes the audio, color scheme, and character selection to be similar to the area being broadcasted. Coke also does not make advertisements claiming to be better than Pepsi. In supermarkets, Cokes place is right next to all the other drinks, with no one product getting more exposure than others. Coca-Cola has at least one sales centre in cities with more than one million people. The sales centre also warehouse Cokes, and plenty of delivery trucks are there to disperse the products. Business Environment Coca-Cola expands in countries through a variety of licensing agreements and joint ventures. Coca-Cola licenses the selling of Coke out to bottlers. Coca-Cola makes the soda syrup and sends it to bottlers who mix it with carbonated water and bottle it, sending it to retailers. Bottlers are allowed to sweeten it differently depending on local tastes. Coca-Cola goes into joint ventures with other companies to come out with different types of products. Coca-Cola has joint ventures with companies like Proctor Gamble, Danone, and Nestle. Human Resources: Coca-Cola Company is not one in the same as the Coca-Cola bottlers, which are the majority of the whole business model. Coca-Cola does not have many offices world-wide for manufacturing, but do have executive offices. Coca-Cola sends expatriates out to deal with international sales. Glenn G. Jordan S. is the president of the Pacific Group for Coca-Cola, while Douglas Jackson is the President of the China Business Unit. Coca-Cola does not hire internationally for their executives and officers. For the Pacific Group, there are 2,900 executives working with 30,000 bottler employees. Coca-Cola states that people development is the stable for long-term success. One way they develop people is by sending them to Coca-Cola University, which is a virtual global university that teaches its employees everything they need to know. Coca-Cola pays its Chinese employees based on a couple of factors. First they make sure that what they are paying their employees is competitive with other consumer goods companies. Coca-Cola also offers benefits such as housing and transportation allowances, supplementary life and accidental insurance, free annual physical check-ups, free lunches and beverages, and festival allowances. They offer medical programs for the whole family. Twice a year, rewards are handed to employees who contribute significantly to the Company and the communities in which they operate. There are two ways in which Coca-Cola recruits new employees. First, they cooperate with local universities and business schools to directly go and recruit graduating students. Second, they post openings on their website to screen through hundreds of thousands of applications, which is later followed by a interview process if the resume was chosen. Finance: Since Coca-Cola licenses out the bottling and selling of Coke, they do not have to invest intensively in foreign investments. Coca-Cola has such a strong brand name that it allows them to have the freedom to invest anywhere with just about absolute assurance Coke will sell and make a profit. Coca-Cola has the leeway to introduce new products, seeing as they make such an income from Coke that it covers any potential losses. Coca-Cola has made a net income of about $6 billion for the past 3 years, so money is not an issue when investing in new products. Conclusion: Overall, Coca-Cola has been and for a long time will be a very successful company in China and the rest of the world. One of the biggest reasons for this is Coca-Colas consistency. They have a brand name with Coke that is recognized globally, and that will not go away from a long time unless they somehow hurt themselves publicly. Coca-Cola has realized that China is still a fast growing country, and has recently announced that they will open three new bottling plants in China. The new investments are set to cost $2 billion, which tops the total amount invested in now which is $1.6 billion. Coca-Cola tried to buyout Hong Kong-listed China Huiyuan Juice Group LTD, but was blocked by the Chinese government, which claimed that Coca-Cola was trying to set up a monopoly. Regardless what Coca-Colas intentions may be, they are still a very smart company and have certainly staked their claim as being the best in the nonalcoholic beverage industry. As long as Coca-Cola stays consist with their flagship product Coke, the sky is the limit for the Company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Captial Punishment Essay -- essays research papers
I agree with the law that people who commit crimes need to be punished for their wrong doings. However, I do not agree with the way that the law thinks that problem should be handled through the death penalty. The bad part about the death penalty is that innocent people are executed, there is racism in the death penalty, the mentally retarded are executed, and the death penalty is costly. As long as the death penalty is maintained, the risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated. People who are found guilty and sentenced to death row can truly be innocent. It is said by Amnesty International a campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights that, "since 1973 at least 53 men were released from death row in seventeen US stated due to significant evidence of their innocence and that some prisoners escaped execution by minutes but 23 were actually executed". Everyone is not perfect. People can fall victim to false testimonies, mistaken identification, community prejudice, and pressure. These are just a few ways in which a person can be found guilty of a crime. These are crucial mistakes that can happen and a person can quickly be sentenced to the death penalty without second thought. Innocent people should not have to experience situations so terrifying which could lead a person to flip out and go insane. There is no reason for an inno cent person to be killed for being at the wrong place at the wrong time or for some other ridiculous mis...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Becoming an Early Childhood Educator Essay
U. S. President Barack Obama emphasized on the importance of education in a country for not only one time. He believe that education provide the opportunities to every single citizen to work on their strengths and ability to fulfill their responsibilities to the country by contribution on specific career in order to build up a strong country. I strongly agree with his point of view as education is not an individual responsibility but to all. Education is the basis of a country in order to strengthen the economic status and development. Thus, it’s our responsible toward the society and nation to educate our next generation by provide a positive social and physical environment to instill wholesome character building in young children. Society now day faces variety of problem especially family issue that commonly happens include child abuse, divorce cases, youngster tend to run away from home, abandoned baby and etc. One of the factors that caused these issues is lack of realization on importance of education. There is a quote stated: If we would amend the world, we should mend our selves; and teach our children to be, not what we are, but what they should be. (Quote by: WILLIAM PENN, Some Fruits of Solitude) Most of the parent didn’t realize their responsibility to their child as a role model in the growth of their children during childhood period. They might lack of exposure on the importance of early childhood education, or they unconsciously neglected their children’s need due to financial pressure in order to provide and maintaining the living standard of family. Thus, it’s our responsible as an educator to assist the parent on educating our next generation. It is my pleasure to meet a truly dedicated teacher in my life, although she was only teaching me as my class teacher for 1 year but her contribution and the bonding between me and she has brought the greater impact to my life. Compare to the teachers of old time with today, sadly to say, there are not much improvement among the quality of educator. Most of the educator are work for survive, they are lack of the passion and realization on their role and responsibilities, perhaps they do not know how to apply their knowledge on teaching method skillfully. In fact, it is the greater satisfaction as an educator to witness the growth of a child from innocence young age to a mature child. This is a most important period to instill a positive personality in a child as the behavior he practicing now will bring toward to adulthood and became his characteristic. The greater success of an educator is not the quantity of reward, but the recognition of the effort by the parent, student and society. The most precious and valuable achievement is to witness the success of wholesome character building on a child when they turned to an adult and continue influence the people around them with positive attitude. It is hard to achieve the objective of education with single contribution. Therefore it is important to bring together all the educators who having same ideology to work together as a role model to influence people around include the parent, children and colleagues to understand the importance of education. The main responsible of an early childhood educator is to instill the positive character to a child to develop wholesome character include sense of belonging, sense of responsibility, positive moral value, lifelong interest on learning, curiosity to the world and mentally and physically healthy and wealthy. Teacher as the second person after the parent as the role model to a child should practicing good behavior and attitude. Besides, a good teacher knows how to apply the knowledge skillfully to help children adapt to the knowledge on their level of understanding without killing their curiosity to the world. On the other hand, educator also played an important role to the parent because society in Malaysia now day is improving along with the realization on the importance of education. However, although the parent understands the importance of education, they are still lack of information in term of knowledge and skill to apply on their children. They are keen to seek for professional advancer and services as the agent of education to their children. In fact, this is a big step for the society; educator should always work closely and collaboratively with parent to encourage them involve in their child’s learning process to create love and caring environment for the children. The philosophy of a preschool setting that believed and practiced by the entire organization included administrator and teachers determine the process of achieving the goal of an organization. Same goes to personal philosophy held by a teacher, it is important to work collaboratively on behalf of children’s interest regardless personal identity and background. Teachers should be always ready to lend their hand to each other and strive for improvement together by sharing information and joining workshop, seminar or training together. Whenever there is dilemma, teacher should ask for the comment and suggestion without hesitate from senior colleague who willing to share their experiences and solve the problem together. Beside, teacher also played a role on providing a safe, healthy, loving and caring environment to young learner to develop sense of belonging and bonding among the children by always staying alert on potential danger and awareness on child’s behavior, health, physical and mental needs. Teacher should be always practicing 3R which is responsive, respect and reciprocal. Consistently interaction with the children is needed to understand child’s unique character and develop trust and respect relationship among children. However, teacher should allow necessary independent learning and respect child’s right in order to foster the development of children to prepare the children to be ready for the future challenges in their life. Knowledge on young children development is very important for educator. Therefore educator should be always seeking for improvement to provide highest quality service to the children. A knowledgeable teacher is always stay well informed on the latest update on government decision on education such as changing school syllabus and assessment for the student. Beside, by participate in variety of workshop, seminar and training; teacher will learn different teaching method to adapt children’s development milestone. Same goes to courses that offer in colleges and local university; it will improve the qualification and knowledge of teacher. By joining professional association, teacher will be always staying informed on the latest teaching approach and able to seek for professional comment from others. On the other hand, teaching should be stay adventurous when applying new skill to the children, learn from trial and error by observation and self reflection consistently. Teacher should be sensitive on child’s development to evaluate and improving the teaching method creatively in practical way. By understanding different learning pattern of the children, teacher should apply knowledge and skills in plenty ways for children to adapt to the knowledge. In conclusion, a professional early childhood educator should be having mental and physical readily with positive and optimistic attitude, be ready to takes up responsible and handle every dilemma and always strive for improvement. It is very important for an educator understand his/her role on the position held and to be flexible to adapt every changes and different situation. Lastly, enjoyment for the satisfaction of teaching will lead the educator to longer journey as time goes by because â€Å"You never know how much it’s worth until it’s gone†.
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